Being a new Mum is an emotional time regardless of whether it’s the first time or third. Hormones are running overtime, lack of sleep makes you tired and emotional and it’s a huge adjustment. Then add in an unsettled, distressed baby and things get even worse.
There can be a million reasons why your baby is more gassy, colicky then others and it’s therefore really not helpful when people just say “so what have you eaten today?”. If they haven’t yet they will because yes of course on top of everything else, it has to be your fault!
Regular readers will know that Daisy is 11 weeks old now and that she has suffered terribley with trapped wind. As both her Sisters had similar troubles I didn’t panic too much, used drops to help relive discomfort and concentrated on positions that helped her relax and bring the wind up.
I have even made homemade gripe water which worked pretty well but she still has “off” days. I have been doing my very best!
Of course I have looked at my diet. Being vegetarian and breast feeding I am aware that I need to eat healthily and have a balanced diet for both milk supply and my Daughters health. I have done my research and a good breast feeding diet includes:
- At least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day
- Starchy foods (eg… bread, breakfast cereals, pasta, rice and potatoes)
- Protein – lean meat, chicken, fish (or replacements such as Quorn for veggies), eggs, nuts, lentils and pulses
- Milk and milk products such as cheese and yoghurt
- 10 to 12 glasses of fluid per day
I have also looked up food which can upset babies and they include:
- Caffeine
- Dairy (in particular milk but including eggs and cheese)
- Wheat
- Nuts
- Citrus fruits…. actually make that most fruits
- Certain vegetables including peppers, onions, cabbage etc…
- Tomatoes
- Pulses and lentils
- Chilli and garlic
- Chocolate (I’ve needed a bit of this recently once all girls are in bed)
- Fizzy drinks
- Alcohol (not that I’m drinking it anyway)
Aaaahhhhh! So what exactly am I supposed to eat? Apart from the alcohol I usually eat several of these daily. Is there anything left? Maybe potatoes, carrots and peas!
I am very confused (and hungry) so any advice or recipes would be greatly appreciated.
Karen x
October 17, 2012 at 9:45 pm (12 years ago)I had similar problems with JC. I found that cutting out diary from my diet worked for him (and colosynth granules). You could try cutting back your diet to very basic and bland then add food back in one at a time. Keep a food diary to record how she responds. I found when JC started weaning he turned a corner. I realise at 11wks this seems a long way off! Just be assured that its nothing you are doing or not doing. It is awful but will pass. p.s. she’s beautiful! I took a break from blogging and this is the first of me seeing her, gorgeous! Xx
would like to be ayummy mummy
October 18, 2012 at 12:19 pm (12 years ago)Hello again, lovely to see you back again and thanks or commenting. I think bland is the way it will have to be and youre so right about a food diary. I will try it and see xx
Jenny Paulin
October 21, 2012 at 12:10 am (12 years ago)firstly, she is soooooo gorgeous! i am so sorry she has been suffering so much from colic
🙁 thats hard going for you and her. i remember when i had Burton and i thought he was windy someone gave me a list of foods to avoid but i dont know if it really works that way. maybe do as Grumpinator suggests and keep a food diary? have you asked a HV to see what they suggest? it may just be that she is prone to it Karen . i hope she soon grows out of it
big (hugs) though x x