Only 5 more sleeps and we will be off on our travels again. This time we are finally making it onto a plane as a family of five and are heading off to beautiful Portugal for two weeks in the sun! Excitement isn’t the word!
I love the excitement and build up of going on holiday, even the preparation for it. Prior to children, Husband and I used to jet off somewhere several times a year and even with just one child we did too. Travelling is definitley something we are passionate about.
However, since the other two have arrived, we have been much less adventurous (partly due to finances and partly due to the enormity of taking 3 young children abroad) instead choosing to holiday in the uk and Europe. Not any more though…
So what will we be taking with us?
Of course we will be taking all the essentials including sunscreen and insect repellant but apart from that, here’s the Top 5 things that will be going with us:
1. Pretty dresses for us all (well us girls anyway). I love this one of Rosie’s from Frugi, it will definitely make it into the pile. We have lots of dresses, they are so cool and comfortable. No need to worry about matching outfits together and they only need a quick shake before they are ready to wear. Perfect!
2. A Hammamas for me – This clever cotton towel that can be used in a number of ways including a sarong, dress and scarf has been sent to me to review. It looks perfect for sunny days around the pool or at the beach. I have a feeling my three girls are going to pinch it though, nothing is ever just for me in this house! I can’t wait to let you know what I we think about it.
3. Swimsuits – We love these gorgeous ones from Lilly and Sid and have written about them before. As we will be away for two weeks they will need more than just one or two each so we have these ones from Next too. All are sun safe protecting their delicate skin like factor 50.
4. Trunki’s – At the moment only the two big girls have them but they will of course be sharing them between the three of them. I have visions of them causing havoc at the airport. They will be filled with all sorts of toys, sticker books, games, snacks, drinks, notebooks and pens I have been putting away over the past few weeks, to prevent them from getting bored on the journey.
5. Accessories like hats and sunglasses! These are going to be essential in the sunshine. However, I also love the way the girls automatically think they look cool when they put either of these on. They make them walk a little different and giggle lots too. A great photo prop whilst keeping them safe from the sun.
What do you take on holiday?
Karen x
Gina Caro
August 25, 2015 at 2:45 pm (10 years ago)I like the look of the Hammamas. That would be perfect for me on the boat as it folds away neatly and doesn’t take up too much space. Looking forward to reading your review on it #MondayEscapes
Would Like to Be
August 26, 2015 at 3:22 pm (10 years ago)They fold up so small so would be perfect on a boat. I must admit I’m really looking forward to trying it out 🙂
Cathy (MummyTravels)
August 26, 2015 at 6:47 am (10 years ago)Will be interested to see what you think of the Hammamas. I’ve seen a few things about them and have one on my wishlist, looks so useful and rather lovely. #MondayEscapes
Would Like to Be
August 26, 2015 at 3:22 pm (10 years ago)They do look lovely, will let you know 🙂
Ting at My Travel Monkey
August 27, 2015 at 3:17 pm (10 years ago)Ooh I’ve never heard of Hammamas. I’ll be interested to see what they are like! Hope you are having a blast in France xx #MondayEscapes