My girls love messy play but often I avoid it as life with three little ones is hectic and messy enough thank you. The thought of creating even more mess often puts me off. We do much more when the weathers warm and we can do it outside!

However, after a chat with my Sister I was inspired to try and make some moon dough. Rosie and I then enjoyed some quality time this afternoon whilst Poppy was at School and Daisy was napping.

Moon dough is so simple to make, it's literally flour and baby oil. I had no measurements but just kept adding and mixing the two until I could roll it into a ball. I also added some pInk and blue food colouring trying to make purple (it didn't really work – just went specaldy big Rosie didn't care).



This stuff is fantastic and the way it sparked Rosie's imagination was truly amazing. We played together for almost two whole hours. We had a trip to moon and a picnic on top of it with the whole family; we played sharks under the sea with a Daddy, Mummy and three baby sharks; we played hospitals with patients and a nurse; she also made cakes, sandcastles and even a snowmen. Honestly it was great fun:



Look at that little happy face! I so need to do more of this sort of stuff. In fact I've agreed to the two of us getting messy crafty at least once a week.

Such a simple idea: provides hours of entertainment, smells lovely but is very, very messy!!

Watch this space for more great ideas!

Karen x