Over the Easter holidays it has all been about bikes in this house.
With Husband home and warm sunny days, all the wheels were pumped up, seats heightened and the girls were off. We are lucky to live in a quiet cul-de-sac so when we are not out and about with the bikes we can just take them out the front of the house. They love it! It’s quite social and once out there their little friends often join us too.
They had such a good time.
In fact Rosie was amazing and went from a balance bike to two wheels with no stabilisers! I thought it would take a while but in just minutes she was off:
I was so proud of her (and me for getting both big girls to ride their bikes). Daddy couldn’t believe his eyes either. When we first went out he walked to the end of the road to the corner shop and by the time he got back (a few minutes later) she was confidently cycling up and down the road! It really does mean we are out everyday now as she just wants to be on her bike all the time.
Here’s a little video clip of her just 2 minutes after I let go:
She’s brilliant!
At almost 7 big sister Poppy is a confident rider and can go miles if she wants to. Over the holidays she really enjoyed some quality Daddy time and went on a few longer rides, just the two of them. We have noticed though that she’s a bit big for her current bike so are looking into getting her a much bigger one asap. Her only request is that it is pink. She’s way too quick for me though so no photos!
Whilst this little lady has just bombed around on her balance bike. We have taken it everywhere. From trips to the park, the seaside, National Trust parks and Nannys house – anywhere we go, it has to come with us:
The last picture was taken at the Twickenham Tricycle last weekend. The girls took part in a bike/scooter race and all received these lovely medals which they are very proud of.
Daisy’s balance is so good I have no doubt I could get her riding a big girls bike but I’m not going to. She’s still my baby and able to do far too much for her age already so I’m in no rush. This is perfect for her right now.
Have you been out on your bikes recently? I think I might need one now to keep up with them!

Karen x
Coombe Mill
April 19, 2015 at 10:25 am (10 years ago)Well done Rosie! I’ve been looking forward to seeing these photos, all the girls looks like they are cycling pros and really enjoying it too, a lovely way to have been enjoying some outdoor time over the Easter Holidays. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.
April 19, 2015 at 8:55 pm (10 years ago)They look like they’re having great fun. We’re currently trying to get our 4 year old to ride his bike but after having a balance bike he has become lazy and just won’t pedal!!
Michelle Twin Mum
April 20, 2015 at 8:13 pm (10 years ago)It is so wonderful when they can just get out on their bikes and play, my kids can do the same where we live and it is fabulous, they also love to go along the prom at the beach. Mich x
Loving life with little ones
April 23, 2015 at 7:47 pm (10 years ago)Well done Rosie, that’s great going. Looks like everyone has great fun riding outside, I wish we had a safe space to do that in. We must get our girls on their bikes more x