At 17 weeks pregnant with baby number three I know how important it is to look after myself and my little one by keeping hydrated and taking my vitamins. However, it is not always easy when you are either vomiting or feeling nauseas.

For the past three weeks I have had overwhelming feelings of queasiness and have been a little sick some mornings too.

Then my Sister Not Yet A Yummy Mummy told me about Water Baby, a product she trialled and continued to use whilst suffering from hyperemesis in her pregnancy, I contacted the Company and luckily for me they offered to send me a weeks to supply to try for myself..

Water Baby looks like a bottle of flavoured water you would find in any Supermarket but its actually formulated for use during preconception , pregnancy and breast feeding. 
Each bottle contains the recommended daily allowance of folic acid (400mcg) and a range of other vitamins including Calcium and Zinc .
It has a lovely citrus taste. Much more pleasant than swallowing a tablet and you can sip it throughout the day if that is all you can manage. It tastes like  a treat rather than the chore taking your folic acid and other vitamins can be.

My supply arrived on a day when I woke up with  a terrible migraine. I vomited first thing and was unable to swallow my vitamin tablet and despite knowing I needed to drink..I couldn’t manage much more than a mouthful at a time. Once these arrived I couldn’t wait to try them. I found I was able to tolerate a few sips at a time and before I knew it the bottle had gone and I was feeling a little better.

Over the past few days I have looked forward to my bottle a day. I really like this product and will definitely be buying more!

Karen x