Dear Manager,
Frankly I have been completely appalled by the customer service and organisation of this store and know I am not the only one. I therefore felt compelled to share other parents views, tell you where you are gong wrong and what changes you should make to make life easier for both your staff and customers.
1. First of all your website is utterly useless. It needs a big note on it saying “please do not bother to check this as we do not update. Do not bother to contact us on the details provided either, as we do not answer the phone or emails. There is a shop here and you should just come on down but be prepared for terrible service” (more on that later).
You would be much better off employing someone to just concentrate on the website. Most busy parents in this day and age just want to be able to shop online quickly and easily at the start of the holidays or as their child grows.
2. As a customer, trying to contact you is a nightmare. The phone is never answered and there is a very rude answer phone message saying something along the lines of “we can’t take your call and you can’t leave a message”. Hearing this over and over is truly frustrating. When I actually visited your store I was told the phone is rarely answered before 4pm and the staff were obviously quite distressed by the sound of the constant ringing and voice message recording.
During busy times such as Summer Holidays and the start of September term you should employ someone to purely answer the phone in a office away from the shop floor. It would make life so much less stressful for both customers and staff. A friendly voicemail message with the option to leave your details would be much better too. Frankly your current system is just ineffective and rude!
3. Your shop, system and staff customer service are severely lacking. I know you cover a huge number of schools but small changes in the way you set up your shop would really help everyone.
- You have staff but could use them much more effectively. You should have someone on the door to greet and direct customers to the area they need or a staff member who could help them.
- You should have clear signs like ‘pay here’, ‘wait for assistance here’ etc, even the School names. I was stood around for ages before anyone would help me.
- Your staff desperately need some customer service training. They might be overworked and stressed but customers should not see signs of it. They should be polite, helpful and smile at all times.
Unfortunately your shop is the dedicated provider for my Daughter’s school so I have no option but to buy from you. If you weren’t though I would take my custom elsewhere as would the majority of other parents in the School.
I do hope you take some of my ideas on board.
Daniel Tomlinson
September 6, 2013 at 12:09 pm (12 years ago)Hi Karen,
I work for Trutex Ltd who are the manufacturer of Trutex Schoolwear, came across the blog post above and wanted to respond.
Whilst this particular store is a separate business and run under Licence (which
enables them to use the Trutex name), we do take any comments, such as those made in your post, extremely seriously. Of course it’s important to us as a
business that we look to maintain the excellent reputation the brand enjoys
within the Schoolwear market, and we always strive to provide the best possible standard of customer service to allow our retail partners to do the same to their
In view of your comments though, I have brought the blog to the attention of the store owners so that they can investigate and respond accordingly.
I must reiterate that we have limited control over the actions of this store itself
as it is a separate business, but am sure that the owners will appreciate the
feedback as an opportunity to address the issues you have raised.
May I apologies for the inconvenience caused and I hope you see positive improvements in future.
Kind Regards
Daniel Tomlinson
would like to be ayummy mummy
September 9, 2013 at 1:29 pm (12 years ago)Thank you very much for your response and I do hope they listen. I know I am only one of many who has had similar issues with them. Initially I wrote this post to vent my frustrations but it wold be fabulous if it really did make a difference!
September 7, 2013 at 2:24 pm (12 years ago)Having just spoken with the shop Manager myself regarding concerns about service and staff attitude I would hold out zero hope of a satisfactory response to the very well articulated concerns of Karen. He is rude and probably the most unhelpful shop Manager I have ever had the misfortune to meet and discuss a consumer concern with. I would fully support all the suggestions stated by Karen and would suggest that Gloucester store is severely affecting the reputation of Trutex as I too know many people who feel the service to be appalling.
would like to be ayummy mummy
September 9, 2013 at 1:36 pm (12 years ago)Thank you for this. It’s good to know I was not overreacting when I wrote this post. I’m just sorry you suffered lack of help and rudeness too. Oh dear. I really do hope they take some of my ideas on board. It would make for a much happier working environment as well as customer experience.
December 2, 2015 at 9:07 pm (9 years ago)As a member of staff I am being treated appallingly by the owner so it’s not only customers who are getting a raw deal.. He is a law unto himself