The Summer holidays really are whizzing by aren’t they? Even though Husband has had to work quite Β bit of it so far we have still managed to have fun.

This week we have been out and about visiting the lavender fields:

summer holiday fun 1

We have been back to visit Nanny and Gramps again. They have a lovely park near them, so we took the girls there and spent the rest of the time in the garden:

summer holiday fun 2

Daisy’s caterpillars were delivered and are growing quickly already:

summer holiday fun 3

I had to take Daisy for a hospital appointment on Wednesday so Daddy took the big girls to Osterley Park for a few hours. He didn’t take his camera for a change and just played with them which they of course loved. Later I took them all to the movies to see Finding Dory.

Poppy had another playdate with a friend from School on Thursday. She had a huge pool and slide in her garden but all the girls were invited back at the end of the day for a go. Lots of fun:

summer holiday fun 4

Of course then the pressure was on, these girls wanted a pool of their own, so they they smiled sweetly, rubbed Daddy’s head and said “please Daddy” very sweetly until he gave in and brought them one:

summer holiday fun 5

I have feeling we are going to be floating around in here now until we fly off to Portugal in about 10 days time.

Oh of course there has been the usual trampolining, bike riding and bubble blowing fun. These girls have literally lived outside this week. Oh and there has even been lots of crafty fun which they quite enjoyed doing in their knickers! Well it is the summer and it has been hot this week:

summer holiday fun 6

Hope you are all having fun too.

Karen x