I have been tagged by the lovely Hannah over at Mummy and The Beastie to participate in another great Meme. This one was started by Emma at Mummy Musings. It’s about the websites that we can’t live without.
Since Husband has been working away for the past few months, I have been a bit addicted to my laptop and could not live without it. Once the children are in bed I settle back and browse to my hearts content as well as blogging, tweeting and using other social media networks. How did people survive without all this in the past?
Sites I visit everyday at the moment are:
My blog
I do appear to be blogging most days at the moment. This is not intentional, I just cant help it. I have had a lot of reviews to catch up on, have had a lot to say and now I have been tagged into a number of memes. Like I said, Husband has been away so evenings have been boring by myself anyway! Now that he is back though, I imagine I will calm down.
Gmail/Yahoo mail
Since starting my blog I am inundated with emails offering fabulous review opportunities and notes telling me others I follow have posted on top of the usual emails I receive. I check my mail several times a day or else they would get swallowed up and missed.
This has been my lifeline with Husband away. Its like having friends in the room with me. Sad but when you have two little girls in bed its not as if I can get out much. It feels good that I have met some of you already so its not quite as freaky as it sounds!
I have only just started using ebay myself, Husband has had an account for years and has always done the bidding. I have actually managed to acquire some beautiful Coast dresses for ridiculous prices lately which I am impressed with. With Husbands job, a wife needs gorgeous dresses to wear to the parties and I now have several new ones.
I have a personal account on my phone which I do check most days now. I then have an account linked to my blog too, so I try and check that every few days too. I must admit the personal one was neglected for a bit when I first started blogging becuase I would upload pictures straight to my blog rather than facebook. I’m starting to get the balance right now though.
All in all a complete social network addict. I do visit various other sites including favourite online shops but will save all that for another day!
I am now tagging:
Karen x