This weekend we have the perfect dress to show off in Funky Kid Friday.

We picked it up for Daisy last weekend when we popped into the lillly and Sid sample sale in support of the Rainbow Trust children’s charity. We might have picked up a few other items too but you will have to wait to see them another day.

Lillly and Sid sell the most gorgeous children’s clothes in super soft fabrics and bright funky colours. I’ve especially been eying up all their twirly dresses this year and was not disappointed. They are perfect and we will definitley be back for more.

When we first showed this one to Daisy asking if she wanted it she looked at it and smiled before saying said “wow it’s lovely, I want it”! Super cute. She’s had it on almost everyday since too. It’s her new faveourite dress. Mine too I think because it looks so cute. I especially adore the frills and the way it twirls. It is also easy to wash and requires no irioning…bonus.

Here’s a few more photos to show it off just because it’s so adorable:

Karen x