Well it was a bit of a mixed week for me this week. I started off on level 2, had a few iffy days where I dropped back down to level 1 and then felt fitter and stronger so tried level 3. It made me realise there is nothing wrong with mixing it up a bit to keep it interesting and to keep you motivated. Unfortunately the week ended with me taking the last two days off as away. I got straight back on it though.

Day 15

Did level 2 again and felt good. My reflection isn't so scary anymore, my tummy is flatter, thighs more toned and my bottom is changing shape too. Best of all I feel fitter.

Day 16

My body ached today and I didn't have any energy so did level 1. It actually felt good doing it and I got all the way through so it was the right decision. Despite not feeling my best I felt fitter and stronger than I did at the start and I'm looking better in my knickers….I will get that bikini body.

Day 17

I ached again today and didn't feel great so did level 1 again. At last I'm exercising daily I told myself. Felt good and a little relieved once I had finished it.

Day 18

Tried level 3 today as had buckets of energy and was glad I did. It's hard, really hard but I enjoyed the challenge. There's hardly any jumping jacks (yeeehh), more shadow boxing (with weights this time) and lots of exercises involving the plank position (hardcore). I think I might mix the levels up depending on how I feel that day.

Day 19

Did level 3 again and felt good. It's tough and I wasn't able to do all the high impact moves but I kept it up almost until the end. The last abs move almost killed me though!!

Days 20-21

I took Sat & Sun off as we were away but got straight back into it on the Monday. I actually felt a bit guilty and missed it but it couldn't be helped.


Not only am I noticing a difference in my body shape I am noticing other changes too. I am sleeping better, I'm more relaxed and I'm a bit more patient with the girls. All reasons to keep doing what I'm doing.

Back next week.

Karen x