We have been pretty lucky with the weather for our summer…hardly any rain at all!
The second week started off with Daisys 4th birthday and a brilliant family birthday party at my parents house. Daisy was spoilt rotten and had so much fun playing party games and eating cake with her cousins. She wasn’t expecting quite so much of a fuss so was completely overwhelmed at first but soon settled into being the centre of attention. We spent the whole day outdoors in the sunshine..perfect!
The highlight for her had to be her smashing cake! Basically a cake covered in a white chocolate. dome You had to smash it to get to the cake and lots of sweeties. Unfortunately I asked Husband to take the photos thinking he would do a better job then me and he missed it!! I’m not sure why or how with his camera but never mind. Our Summer holidays are always crazy with all our birthdays occurring between late June and August:
We stayed a few nights so husband and I could head out house hunting too. Mum looked after the girls whilst we had a bit of drive around looking at a few show homes and areas. We are planning on moving back towards Gloucestershire by the end of January so have been having a look at where we might like to settle. Scary but exciting too!
We did have a rainy day on Tuesday but that just meant they could get out the crafty birthday presents they received. They also rediscovered their love of lego and play dough. In between the showers there was plenty of trampolining and bubble fun though. You can’t keep these girls inside for long!
Midweek the sun was out so we headed to the park for a picnic with other children and their parents from Poppys class. It was really lovely to all catch up and all the girls enjoyed themselves. Even the younger ones found some of their school friends too so everyone was happy. It was quite reassuring to see that most of the Mums were quite tired, that we had all had our share of bickering and that time spent outdoors and away on holiday were the highlights for us all.
The walk there and back was really nice. They have done up the pathway since we have last been and gone were all the overgrown bushes.
Later that afternoon we dropped Poppy round to her friends where she was staying for her first sleepover. Exciting for her but weird for me as we have only ever left her with my parents before when we moved. The other Mum was really lovely though and sent me little photos of them, telling me what they were up to and reassuring me she was more than fine. Rosie and Daisy enjoyed a girls night in with me. They asked for pizza, popcorn and a movie and it was really lovely to spend a bit of quality time with them both.
The next morning the younger ones were a little bit lost without big Sister Poppy and asked if they scoot to get her rather than drive. Who was I to refuse so off we headed! After they dressed as twins and asked for their photo to be taken of course:
Not long after we got back my Sister brought her boys round for a day in our garden. They played with the sprinkler for most of it and it was lovely to just chill out with my Sister.
The rest of the week was a bit quiet with most of the time spent in the garden. The sprinkler is getting plenty of action this summer as is the trampoline. It’s still a few weeks until we head off on our holiday so we are hoping the sun stays out and we get lots more outdoor fun in. We have a trip planned tomorrow and can’t wait to share photos of that.
Hope you’ve had a good week too!
Karen x
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)
August 5, 2016 at 11:10 pm (9 years ago)A lovely second week of your summer – love the smashing cake and glad that Daisy enjoyed her birthday party and that Poppy had fun at the sleepover. The photos of Rosie and Daisy being twins are beautiful and I love that final photo – can’t beat playing with a sprinkler in hot weather 🙂 #CountryKids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:42 am (9 years ago)Thank you, the cake was amazing and so was the party. We’ve been so lucky with the weather, its been fab. Hope you’re having a great summer too x
Coombe Mill
August 5, 2016 at 11:41 pm (9 years ago)What a lovely relaxed week you’ve had and much better weather than us by the sounds of things. It poured here for two whole days, but was lovely either side of that. I ‘ve enjoyed seeing your week in photos on instagram, here they all come together and fit into place. How exciting for Poppy to have her first sleepover, one of many I dare say. As for that cake, that is a chocolate heaven, is there actually any cake in it?
Thank you for sharing your lovely sunny week on #CountryKids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:45 am (9 years ago)its been amazing thank you and the weather has definitely helped. The whole of the bottom of that cake which is covered in sprinkles was sponge cake, it was pretty cool. glad you are having fun too x
Karen (@karenjwhitlock)
August 6, 2016 at 7:06 am (9 years ago)Happy belated birthday to Daisy – that cake does look good. Nice to have a bit of chilled out time.
Love all your gorgeous photos!
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:45 am (9 years ago)Thank you so much x
Rachel @ Coffee, Cake, Kids
August 6, 2016 at 7:16 am (9 years ago)What a great sounding week. That cake is absolutely awesome. Hope the house hunting doesn’t get stressful. #countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:47 am (9 years ago)House `hunting has been stressful but the rest has been fun. Hope hope you’re having a great summer too x
Emma T
August 6, 2016 at 7:23 am (9 years ago)That cake looks amazing. Glad it was a good birthday, and sounds like a good week all round. Love the matching dresses, and the photos generally are beautiful as usual. N would be so jealous of that sprinkler. We have a huge garden but no outdoor so filling a paddling pool from an indoor tap is a nightmare let alone having sprinkler fun #countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:48 am (9 years ago)We have an outdoors tap in the garage which is strange and it floods overtime…nightmare! Thanks for commenting x
Emma Island Living 365
August 6, 2016 at 9:05 am (9 years ago)Awww excting news about moving. The cake looks amazing too! #countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:48 am (9 years ago)Thank you x
Cassandra Mayers
August 6, 2016 at 9:08 am (9 years ago)Looks like you have had a great week in the outdoors 😀 Can’t beat getting out and about. and PS> that cake looked amazing! 😀 #countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:49 am (9 years ago)It really has been fab and the cake was a huge hit!
Scatty Mum (Kate)
August 6, 2016 at 6:57 pm (9 years ago)Aaaww your photos are beautiful ♡ We’ve not been as lucky with the weather up here so plenty of bickering indoors but the sun has put in a few appearances over the last couple of days so we’ve made the most of it.
It’s nice when one child sis away for a short while but lovely to have them back too (as long as they’re not too grumpy from lack of sleep! ).
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:51 am (9 years ago)We had our fair share of bickering at the start but it seems to have settled. The good weather has definitely helped i think. hope you get some sun too. I think a night away made them all appreciate each other. the younger ones definitely missed big sister x
August 7, 2016 at 1:51 pm (9 years ago)Sounds like a lovely week with your girls. I love Daisy’s birthday cake, such a great idea! I love your girls name too, I love how they all go together. I have been following you on instagram for a long while now and I have always loved seeing your photos of the things you all get up to 🙂 x
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:55 am (9 years ago)Aaaahhh thank you for lovely comments. Your life must be a lot like ours with three little girls x
Merlinda Little (Glimmer of Hope)
August 7, 2016 at 4:28 pm (9 years ago)That cake is the coolest ever! Happy 4th birthday to Daisy!
We are not as lucky as you as last week its rain and wind for us. Lovely photos as always =)
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:56 am (9 years ago)Sending you some sunshine your way. Thank you for birthday wishes, she had a wonderful day x
August 7, 2016 at 7:29 pm (9 years ago)It sounds like your girls have had a lovely week and the felow mother sending you photos while your girl stayed over was a lovely gesture. #countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:57 am (9 years ago)It really was lovely week a lovely week thanks and I would definitely do the photo thing when we have a friend staying over here. I felt so relieved x
Kate Eccles
August 8, 2016 at 6:50 pm (9 years ago)What a lovely week, fab photos and I love the idea of that cake! Happy Birthday to your little girl! #countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:57 am (9 years ago)Thank you so much and hope you are having a wonderful summer too x
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
August 9, 2016 at 8:39 am (9 years ago)Happy Birthday Daisy, I love the idea of the cake smash (I want one for my birthday)
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:58 am (9 years ago)You should get one it was fab! x
August 10, 2016 at 8:37 am (9 years ago)Happy belated birthday to Daisy! She has the most beautiful cake. Sounds like you had an amazing week. xx #Countrykids
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:58 am (9 years ago)You should get one it was fab! x
Would Like to Be
August 13, 2016 at 8:59 am (9 years ago)A brilliant week thank you. Hope you are having a great summer too x