In my fluffy little world of pink there is no room for slimy green stuff. For four and a half years i've managed to get away with wiping “runny noses” and have never called it anything else.
so imagine my horror when Rosie (aged 21/2) tells me she has something up her nose. I tell her she has a runny nose and grab a tissue. But before I know it though, she has her finger up there, pulls out the offending article and shows it to me asking “what is it Mummy?”.
So what did I say? Well to be perfectly honest I kind of froze, wiped it away with the tissue and distracted her with getting her coat on (we were about to go out anyway). Terrible I know but true.
Oh my goodness, what am I like and how will I deal with it when they start asking about where babies come from?
Karen x
February 21, 2013 at 11:02 pm (12 years ago)Made me giggle, my daughter’s just as rude as the boys but doesn’t pick her nose as often 😉
would like to be ayummy mummy
February 26, 2013 at 8:47 pm (12 years ago)Haha, I make myself giggle 🙂 x