I love the Gallery and this weeks topic is no exception….shoes!! Well most girls love them don’t they? Anyway, this week me and my shoes are not the focus of attention, no this week it is my girls and their shoes.
First there is Poppy who started pre-school today. In case you missed my previous posts, it is based within a School and she has to wear a School uniform…so grown up. Anyway these are her new School shoes:
She has always had Start Rite shoes but up until now they have always been pink. Having shiny new black shoes for School is a definite sigh of growing up. I couldn’t resist the little flower design on these though…I had to get a little bit of girlishness in there.
This week Rosie has also started showing an interest in shoes. She is always trying to put on her Sister’s so I let her try a pair of Crocs I picked up for her at CyberMummy. I thought she might have been walking over the Summer and that they would have been useful for the beach but no she didn’t take off properly. For the past 8 weeks she has been doing about 4 steps but when I put these on her she was so excited she did 10 steps. Wow, they are like magic shoes. Now she doesn’t want to take them off!!
So watch this space, I think now she has shoes she will be walking pretty soon. Then I can go and buy her some pretty new ones like the first pair her Sister had.
For more entries about shoes, please check out Sticky Fingers. I have a feeling there will be some pretty photos this week!!

Karen x