Due to my Husbands job we have to move roughly every two years. We do own a house ourselves but rent it out as houses are provided with his job each time we move. This post is about the backyard (or garden as we say here in the UK) of the house we live in at the moment.
Currently we are living in Devon, a beautiful part of the Country. We do not have much of a backyard though. It does have outside space but it is kind of quirky and all paved…no grass. There is enough room for a tables and chairs though as modelled by Poppy and there are gorgeous views to enjoy on a sunny evening. This side of the house tends to feel a little cold and shady in the morning but come 2pm it is like a little sun trap and stays like that until the sun goes down. Perfect for Summer barbecues.
There is room for a few toys as modelled by both Poppy and Rosie. We have a slide, tunnel and small trampoline which get lots of use:
We also have a long thin bit of paving which stretches along the length of the front of the house and under Rosie’s bedroom. Poppy and I play out here sometimes when Rosie is enjoying her morning nap. Poppy is able to use her scooter, roller skates or just run to tire herself out. She loves this.
We also have a small area where we are growing some strawberries, lettuces, tomatoes, peppers and sweetcorn as well as a few flowers. Here are our strawberries, we actually have quite a few little green strawberries already:
ll in all, I think we are making the most of the small area we have.
For more entries head over to sticky fingers.

Karen x
May 25, 2011 at 8:26 pm (14 years ago)I absolutely LOVE your back yard and all the quirky elements of it.
I'd want to run/skate/scoot up and down that stretch, and the view is STUNNING.
Beautiful pics xx
Katie aka mummydaddyme
May 25, 2011 at 8:40 pm (14 years ago)Def looks like you are making the most of the space- it looks lovely! xx
Isil Simsek
May 26, 2011 at 7:33 am (14 years ago)Your view looks lovely!