I am a very girly girl and friends are very important to me. Due to the number of times we have moved I have friends spread all around the World that are important and special for various reasons.
However, the one friend who has been there through everything with me and knows all my secrets is Sarah. We have known each other since we were 17 and have never argued! She is more like another Sister than a friend and is like an Aunty to the girls. They love her too.
Despite not seeing each other for ages, we talk regularly on the phone and I know that next time we do see each other, it will be like we saw each other yesterday. I also know if I needed her she would be there in a flash just as I would be for her!
She is one in a million! A very special person.
Do you have someone like this?
For more friendship posts head over to Sticky Fingers.

Karen x