Last Friday saw the date 11/11/11 hence the prompt for The Gallery topic.
I had a very exciting day myself.
He was almost 2 weeks old, very cute and cuddly and just perfect!
It was also the first weekend off I had from my children, I actually left them at home with Daddy and went by myself! Another little mile stone.
I got up that morning and got us all ready, then Husband drove us all to the train station. It was a bit sad saying goodbye but I quickly got over that.
The journey was very easy and I actually settled back and enjoyed it. I even managed to read almost a whole book. I have not done that for a while.
Arriving at the Station, I felt like I was coming home. You see I lived there myself four years ago. It was lovely. My Brother-in-Law picked me up and took me back to theirs.
I was really excited to meet my little Nephew as well as see my Sister and my other Nephew too. On top of that the lovely Hannah from Mummy and The Beastie was there with her little one too. Perfect. We all enjoyed a lovely afternoon together, the children played well together and we enjoyed catching up, cookies and lots of lovely baby cuddles.
What a perfect day!
I did miss my family but it was really lovely to spend some time with my gorgeous Sister and her family. I only wish we lived closer as we are very close.
Karen x