Picture this. You take your little one swimming and are having a wonderful time. You threw her in the air, spin her round and watched her float and kick about in her brand new bright pink arm bands. You marvel at her confidence and take pleasure in her excited little face as she continually jumps in and goes under with no worries, absolutely squealing with delight on resurfacing.
Then in a blink of an eye it all changes.
For some strange reason unknown to anyone but herself, she pulls off her arm bands right there in front of you, chucks them in the pool before running off and jumping in.
As a mum, you are completely helpless. You know you can’t possibly stop stop her or reach her in time either. You know that this could be disastrous and all end in tears. She is only two years old and cannot yet swim.
Honestly you couldn’t make this stuff up but it’s exactly what happened when I took Daisy swimming alone for the first time yesterday.
It all happened so quickly but I could see what she was going to do almost in slow motion. I called to the life guard “stop her” And thankfully he did. Literally seconds before I reached her, she was under water, bubbles all around her but he jumped in and grabbed her, pulling back up to me and to safety.
I felt sick. I felt relieved. I felt useless. I felt ecstatic. I felt terrible but Daisy….
…well she didn’t even realise anything was wrong. She was perfectly fine. Afterall she came back up. In fact she went on to have a tantrum right there and then because I took her out of the pool and told her it was time to go. Despite having been in there for an hour already. Those screams and tears caused me nothing but relief though, I wasn’t embarrassed, I just smiled. Afterall she was still here and her behaviour meant she was more than okay. Phew thank goodness for that.
The whole experience made me think back to leaving hospital with Poppy all those years ago. My husband was absolutely terrified about how on earth we would keep our gorgeous, helpless, little baby alive. For some reason I was completely the opposite. From the very start I was a very relaxed parent and had no doubt that we would manage far better than just keeping her alive.
Today though was the first day when I doubted my ability.
Daisy has always been my fearless one. She could climb before she could walk. She hangs off or climbs on everything, she jumps, dances and spins everywhere narrowly missing bouncing of pieces of furniture daily. She can even climb up a bunk bed without the ladder. But today she took her extreme behaviours to a new level and almost drowned. She very nearly did.
Yesterday afternoon I was exhausted, wiped out. Instead of putting her down for a nap I might have just snuggled up to her, enjoying the feeling of my daughters little arms wrapped around me and breathing in her scent. She seemed to sense my relief, constantly telling me “you’re my best friend, you’re my mummy” and covering me in more kisses than normal. It could have been so different though.
I am going to persevere and take her again. I want it to be a weekly thing so we can become confident together in the water but I must admit that right now I’m very nervous about it too.
Everything can change in the blink of an eye and I’m well aware that this could have been a very different post.
Karen x
May 10, 2015 at 11:51 am (10 years ago)This gave me goosebumps. I’m so glad that she – and you! – are okay.
Would Like to Be
May 11, 2015 at 8:28 pm (10 years ago)Thank you. It was terrifying but i took her again today and she was much better behaved, she kept her arm bands on at all times. Scary!
May 11, 2015 at 4:01 pm (10 years ago)How scary. And like you what is the most scary is that she wasn’t scared at all. My little one isn’t afraid of anything and that scares me to death! I’m glad it all turned out ok…I know you will hug her a little tighter for awhile.
Would Like to Be
May 11, 2015 at 8:30 pm (10 years ago)Thank you so much. We kept telling her over the weekend that she had been saved and can’t swim without her armbands. I think she understood as didn’t attempt to remove them this time x
Susan Mann
May 11, 2015 at 10:16 pm (10 years ago)oh hon I feel for you. What a shock that must have been. I had similar with Lucas when he was learning to swim. It’s like slow motion. So pleased all is ok & I am not surprised you wiped out. Big hugs x
Would Like to Be
May 11, 2015 at 10:22 pm (10 years ago)it was horrible but we are all okay now thanks. Its an awful feeling seeing what could happen and being helpless to stop it. Its reassuring to hear others have been through similar xx
Loving life with little ones
May 12, 2015 at 12:35 pm (10 years ago)Oh Dear, it is horrible when an experience like that knocks your confidence and it really does make you go all wibbly. I am so glad that you are both okay. Have you considered one of those buoyancy vests instead of armbands?
Would Like to Be
May 12, 2015 at 7:01 pm (10 years ago)Thanks Sarah. We do have one of those vests but she can undo that too. Nightmare. I took her again on monday and am going to take her twice a week x