I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog recently and that’s because I have been really poorly with labyrinthitis. I have been found over on Instagram moaning about how sick I was but seriously, it was horrendous. Almost three weeks ago my world started spinning and I couldn’t walk straight. I have quite honestly never felt anything like it before and I hope I don’t ever again. Three weeks on and although not 100% better, I am getting there. Here’s what happened:

There was no warning. I felt perfectly normal until the moment I vomited for the first time.It came out of nowhere. 24 hours later I felt much better but then another 24 hours later and it was a whole different story.

At 3 am I literally turned over in my sleep but something seriously went wrong and I woke up. It felt as though my whole world had spun upside down and wouldn’t stop spinning. I was on a merry-go-round or roller coaster that I couldn’t get off of. I felt so sick and staggered to the bathroom in the wobbliest line ever. I was violently sick and then just lay on the bathroom floor petrified that the world wasn’t going to stop moving. There was no let-up. I have never been so scared in my life. I staggered back to bed hoping it would stop but it didnt…it got worse. You might think it sounds as though I had been out partying but no…it was a quiet night in for me with pizza and X Factor and not a drop of alcohol had passed my lips. This was completely unexplained and came out of nowhere.

I woke my Husband up and told him what was happening. I was absolutely petrified. the next 24 hours was a blur of room spin and vomiting, oh and I had a temperature to match. It was honestly the scariest experience I have ever had. I hope it never happens to you.

The following day the room stopped spinning but my dizziness was so bad I couldn’t turn my head right and I couldn’t stand up for long either. I just had to stay in bed. It would be another week until I could walk in a straight line. Apparently, I had labyrinthitis, otherwise known as an inner ear infection. Typical symptoms are vertigo or dizziness. Although I had experienced no hearing loss my ears felt full and to be honest, the right one still does.

I was given some anti sickness tablets which helped a bit but was told they don’t usually treat with antibiotics. However, I didn’t get better once I could walk again a week later. My ear suddenly started to get sore and even went red and swollen.  It turned out I had caught an outer ear infection too. What a nightmare. This time I was given antibiotic drops which did work and things have definitely settled. I won’t say my ear is back to normal and the dizziness hasn’t disappeared completely… now it just happens when I bend down but three weeks later I am finally feeling more like myself again and it feels amazing.

Mums just can’t get sick, can they? Especially not a long-term sick thing.

I was very lucky that my husband was around for the whole of the first week, so I could do what the doctor said and just rest. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.  He was amazing just stepping in and looking after us all. My girls have been fantastic too, doing lots more by themselves, organizing Daddy and making me feel better by brushing my hair and giving me lots of cuddles. The house might be a bit messier than usual and we might have done a bit more snuggling on the sofa watching TV than usual but I don’t think it has done them any harm.

Anyway, I wanted you to know I am feeling better and am back to blogging again after my little break. I know I still have so much of our new house to share with you all as well as days outs and pretty outfits too. So watch this space there’s lots coming.

Karen x