I've been blogging since 2011 and back when I started, I gave little thought to my blog name. My blog was going to be an online diary of family life and a journal for getting fitter. I figured family and close friends would read it and just called it Would Like To Be A Yummy Mummy. Afterall I just wanted to look and feel less tired and a bit more yummy.

Time went on, things changed. People actually read my blog! It became more than just a diary. Yes firstly it was a record of family life, recording the small things as well as the big days out and holidays. I started working with Brands and had my blog redesigned with a new header:

I went on to become pregnant again and then on to having another baby so slight changes were made:

Then as the children grew older, I started trying new things like making hair bows, sewing and improving my photography. I also started writing more about fashion and travel. I realised I wanted to be more than just yummy or even Mummy…. I wanted to be good at lots of things, so I shortened it to Would Like To Be:

I've never been truly happy with the name (too long) or this new logo but it seemed like a lot of effort to change it completely. Anyway what would I change it to? Would I lose my readers, my place in the Tots 100? So many things to consider.

My web hosting subscription is due for auto renewal and my blog is about to have another face lift or makeover so it could be perfect timing.

Have any of you changed your blog name recently? Was it a good or bad move? Would love your input or indeed any suggestions for a name change.

Look forward to hearing your comments and watch out for big changes over the next few days here.

Karen x