Why should a little girl who is interested in nature and animals, curious about insects and bugs and not be afraid of them either, be described as a boy or a “tom boy”? Last week I was getting a bit fed up of comments made about my youngest Daisy:


Not quite four yet, Daisy loves bugs and spends hours in the garden collecting and playing with them. She is always covered in cuts and brusises and is pretty sporty too (she can run pretty fast, throw and catch well and even kick a ball quite far). Equally though she adores dressing up as a princess or ballerina (she does this many times a day), loves the colour pink, hates to wear anything she can’t dance in, loves anything to do with fairies and unicorns and spends hours playing with her babies. All pretty girly behaviour I would say:


One day she might take her teachers a big fat wiggly worm she found on the way in to school but the very next day she might pick them each a bunch of daisy’s and dandelions. So why should she be called a boy or tomboy and why should it upset me so much?


It was around the time that Daisy was born that we decided as a family we needed to embrace more of an outdoors lifestyle. Since she was tiny we began getting outdoors every weekend, on long walks in the countryside and visiting National Trust parks and gardens. She has always enjoyed being out in the fresh air and the freedom it brings with it, does this make her a boy? I don’t think so:

outdoor lifestyle

As parent’s, we encourage our children to spend plenty of time outside and do all the things we did growing up before there were such things as computers, iPads and games consoles. Why shouldn’t our girls climb trees, roll down hills, play with balls and yes…even enjoy a good old fashoioned bug hunt? Where is it written that only boys should enjoy these sorts of things?


Hello, it’s the 21st Century and a time where girls can do anything they want to if they try hard enough just like boys. I really think its time to say goodbye to these gender stereotypes and unhelpful labels!


My daughter is not boy like – she is gorgeous, adventurous, fearless and inquisitive and I see nothing wrong with that!


Karen x