So it’s official. My littlest is off to School in September.

She will join her Sisters at the same school, the school where she has been attending Nursery since September. The school we are incredibly happy with. She’s excited to go….she’s heard Reception have a sandpit just like Nursery and they still do Forest School so she’s alright. Plus she gets to wear a school uniform and eat school dinners which she is very happy about too. Well that’s okay then isn’t it?

starting school

Well no! The problem is me. I am most definitely not okay. She is too little (well not little in size but you know what I mean), she’s so young. To be honest she is no younger than her Sisters were. They were all Summer babies but they seemed so much older than their years. They were more sensible than Daisy and most definitely ready. I couldn’t of held them back even if I had wanted too. They were eager to learn, trying to read and questioning everything at this stage. Daisy can’t even write her name yet.

She’s my baby. There I have said it out loud. She is my youngest. There will be no other babies so that is it. My youngest, my littlest is growing up. It all happens far too quickly for my liking. One minute they are just a tiny little bundle in your arms. Staring up at you with great big eyes. They look so fragile, you are scared they might break. Before you know it they are rolling over, crawling, talking and walking. It’s just crazy. Blink again and they are off to preschool, turn your back for a second and they are off to school. It really is madness.

Daisy loves Nursery and I have no doubt that she will enjoy and thrive in school too. She is a happy go lucky, sociable little girl. But whilst I should be happy that she has a school place, especially at the school we wanted, I can’t help but feel just a little bit sad.

Life is changing again. It’s been a while since we have done the whole baby/toddler group thing but come September I will have three little girls at school and i’m not really sure how I feel about that at all.

Hope you all got the places you want but if you didn’t don’t give up and stay positive. Previous experience has shown us just how much movement there is between now and September. Just hang on in there.

Karen x