Dear Rosie,

It was your Birthday on Saturday and you were three. So grown up already. You really enjoyed being the centre of attention and had a lovely Birthday party in our garden. I made the cake, some of our relatives came and you got to invite your friends too. There was quite a few of us.

In some ways I cant believe how grown up and capable you are. You will always be my little girl but you haven't really been a baby or even a toddler for a long, long time. Due to start PreSchool in September you are ready for it now. You are becoming more and more confident as well as able (you can count to 39 already).

Affectionate, cute and cuddly, you have a sweet natured personality with a bit of a cheeky/ naughty side. You are my little monkey.

To mark your birthday I wanted to keep a record of what you love.There isn't really anything you don't like at the moment (except being told off but who doesn't?). Anyway here it is:




My gorgeous little girl. You also love the story Goldilocks. I read it to you most days when Poppy is at School and Daisy is napping. You like it when I tell you you are not too big, not too small…just right!!!

Love you more and more everyday sweetheart and love the little girl you are turning into. I am so lucky to have you and your two Sisters and am a very proud Mummy indeed.

Hugs and kisses

Mummy x