I am so proud of Rosie at the moment. She was amazing on our recent holiday and actually learnt to swim.

Back in May she overcame her fear of putting her face in the water but since has been reluctant to remove her swim fin or attempt to swim without any aids. That all changed though whilst on holiday with Eurocamp this Summer.


Rosie signed up for a weeks worth of swimming lessons but was very nervous and really didn’t want to just get in the pool with just a noodle. She did though and threw herself cautiously but determinedly into there lessons.


Belle her instructor was amazing with her. Very patient and encouraging. She quickly learnt how to enter the pool safely, push off and how to kick. I think she quite enjoyed having half hour of my undivided attention too.


After only 3 lessons she wanted to practice in the pool with me after her lesson and just took off. Before we knew it she was swimming a width. Then she did it a further six times. She couldn’t wait to show Belle what she could do the next day.


Rosie quickly became the star pupil, making Belles day. You could tell that Belle genuinely loved what she did and she was so thrilled with Rosie she brought a certificate, badge and some harribo round to say congratulations later that day. This made Rosie even more proud of herself and want to keep going.

We carried on with lessons and she learnt how to tread water and attempted back stroke. She even tried swimming underwater. We have another little mermaid on our hands now and its lovely.

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We are going to have to keep it up now and enrol her in some lessons back here.

Earlier this year Poppy learnt to swim with eurocamp too. Lessons are for small groups and jam packed filled with fun and interesting ways to encourage confidence. We cannot recommend them enough.

Karen x