Dear Rosie,
You are very poorly at the moment and I don’t know what to do, I wish I could make you feel better.
Last night you went downhill very quickly around tea time. You were so tired, off your food & milk, hot and bothered with a nasty cough. I put you to bed all dosed up but you did not have a good night.
You kept coughing in your sleep which woke you up and made you cry. You were tired and in a lot of pain. I was pretty scared as I had never heard a noise like your cough before. It sounded like a seal barking and your breathing sounded terrible too, a bit like a very old person out of breath. I gave you lots of cuddles, reassured you and kept you dosed up in the night.
Today you woke up just as bad, so I called the Doctor. We were seen very quickly and she was very nice. She could see that you were very poorly and in a lot of pain. She told us you have croup and prescribed steroids which are supposed to work quite quickly.
You have not been well all day and keep looking at me with tears in your big blue eyes. It looks like you are saying “make it all better Mummy, make it go away”. I really wish I could sweetheart.
In the meantime I am giving you lots of cuddles and am hoping the medicine kicks in soon.
Lots of love