Recently I have been chatting on Twitter about my lazy girls answer to a flat tummy… the Bodi-Tek Ab-tek toning Belt. Several of my online friends have been asking what it is so I thought I would do a review on it.

So what is it?

It is an electronic Muscle simulator.  Basically it stimulates the muscles in your stomach so they feel as though they are doing lots of sit ups. I have this one in pink and it comes in one size. It also has adjustable intensity, 6 programmes, an LCD screen and includes conductive gel and batteries. This one is currently £24.99 in Argos.

What do I like about it?

Its comfortable to wear and comes with everything you need.  Being a girly girl I also liked that it came in pink. I like the fact that you can wear it anywhere and multi-task.  Exercise does take up valuable time we sometimes don’t have, so this is perfect.  I used it before having babies and had a very flat stomach.  I also used it to get my figure back after having my first baby.  My stomach shrank quite quickly too.  I had kind of forgotten about it and put it to the back of my wardrobe whilst pregnant with my second, but recently got it out and started to use it again.  My Mum Tum is definitely disappearing!  

What don’t I like about it?

The sensation takes a little while to get used to…to feel nothing despite it being on full power would be perfect but I guess that will never happen!

Overall I would give it a score of 9/10.  I don’t have a six pack but I definitely have  a flatter tummy! I love it and would recommend it to anyone who would listen including friends and family!

I think these are amazing and even the busiest of Mummies could just pop this on and get on with their chores.  I have worn mine whilst cleaning, ironing, in bed, as a passenger in the car on a long journey and sat on the sofa whilst blogging! If you use one I would love to hear what you think of them.

Karen x