Mondays are Nursery day’s for my eldest which means I get to spend the whole day with my baby girl. This is lovely and I really enjoy it. It’s nice to be able to get down on the floor with her without a toddler jumping on my back pretending she is riding a pony! When the second comes along, you don’t get nearly the amount of quality time that you get with the first. Even when feeding in the early days, Poppy would suddenly decided she needed a wee! I quickly got over the guilt you initially feel about this but now treasure any quality time we get alone. Mondays are therefore “Mummy/ Rosie days”. Sometimes we stay in and others we go out. I make sure that I do any jobs while she is napping so when awake we just play and cuddle.
Today we stayed in but we enjoyed a lovely relaxing day with lots of singing, clapping, chatting and giggles. I took lots of photos of her on my new phone so thought I would share some of them with you:
Fascinated with eyes |
One of her favourite toys |
Singing nursey rhymes |
Playing ball |
On her way to the musical instruments |
So all in all it was a lovely day. I love my girls equally and was very pleased to see Poppy home but for just one day a week its nice to enjoy some quality time with Rosie.
Karen x
Working london mummy
May 16, 2011 at 9:35 pm (14 years ago)So lovely! I see she likes pink
my little one has a similar doll and loves to 'feed her' with spoon and cup now so cute!