It's been a pretty good week here. It started off with another day out, involved play dates and fun and of course Daddy was home. The horrible rain wasn't nice though so we are looking forward to Spring.


Day 33 – “Funny Hats”

Day 34 – “Sink Fun”

Day 35 – “Concentrating Hard”

Day 36 – “Rainy Day Tutu”

Day 37 – “Doodle Fun”

Day 38 – “Ready To Puddlejump”

Day 39 – “Sister Fun”



Day 33 – “Funny Hats”

Husband made me smile when he borrowd Rosie's hat. It was quite funny. At the start of the year we made a commitment to get out as often as possible on outside adventures. So far we have been out every weekend exploring the local area. This afternoon was a quiet one, involving Tangled and marshmallows.

Day 34 – “Sink Fun”

Daisy was filthy this morning so decided to give her a wash in the sink. It's not something I usually do but she loved it and I took lots of photos. A quiet day at home with her whilst both girls were at school….lovely!

Day 35 – “Concentrating Hard”

A wet and miserable day. Rosie was really enjoying using her reading eggs app on the ipad this afternoon.

Day 36 – “Rainy Day Tutu”

Lots of fun this afternoon after preschool, with Rosie wearing this tutu. She wouldn't stop twirling. Husband couldn't get home today and the weather was yucky so not the best day.

Day 37 – “Doodle Fun”

Rosie's friend came to play today and I got to enjoy coffee and a chat with a friend of mine. It was lovely. After school this afternoon, Poppy was exhausted and didn't feel like doing much homework at all. I didn't push her so she had fun doodling in her doodle book she got for Christmas instead.

Day 38 – “Ready To Puddle jump”

This was Rosie this afternoon on the way back to school to collect Poppy. She posed outside her Preschool very proud and was wrapped up ready to jump in all the puddles on our way home. We also picked up our friends two girls and brought them back to play/ have tea. Luckily they all played lovely together.

Day 39 – “Sister Fun”

A very lazy quiet day except for the usual ballet and tap lessons. It was really bitterly cold and none of them fancied doing anything. Rosie enjoyed preparing Shepards pie with Daddy whilst Poppy enjoyed reading to mummy and playing. Daisy was into everything as usual! They finished off with baking cupcakes with Daddy…mmmmmmm!