This week really has flown by. The girls have been really well behaved, we've had the usual groups, a play date, squeezed in some outdoor fun and have even been looking after chickens. It's been fun!


Day 19 – “Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'”

Day 20 – “Cat and Mouse”
Day 21 – “Growing Taller”
Day 22 “Daddy Treat”
Day 23 – “A Little Fairy”
Day 24 – Babysitting Chickens”
Day 25 – “Farmer Daisy”

Day 19 – “Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'”

We took the girls out for a lovely walk today where they spent ages rolling down the hills. It was pretty warm too.

Day 20 – “Cat and Mouse”

A quiet day with Daisy as both big girls were out at School/ preschool. We popped next door for a coffee but apart from that not a lot. This evening Daisy and Rosie were playing beautifully with this Tidlo toy Daisy received for Christmas.

Day 21 – “Growing Taller”

Daisy really is getting taller nowadays.Took her to a toddler group this morning and then Rosie and I played all afternoon whilst Daisy slept. This evening Rosie helped me prepare dinner. She's suddenly really interested in cooking.

Day 22 “Daddy Treat”

Daddy came home this evening which was lovely. After roast chicken he gave the big girls these special ice creams for being good all week.

Day 23 – “A Little Fairy”

Today was a busy day with Tumble Tots and a fun play date for Rosie but I still had time to dress Daisy up and take photos 🙂

Day 24 – Babysitting Chickens”

We are looking after a friends chickens for a few days and today the girls were thrilled to discover eggs before School. Daddy came home this afternoon and everyone was happy.

Day 25 – “Farmer Daisy”

A lovely day which started with feeding the chickens, then the usual ballet and tap lessons. I let husband take them whilst I stayed home & prepared lunch. Mum and Dad came over for roast beef and Yorkshire puddings then this afternoon we went for a walk in the woods but it poured with rain so didn't last as long as hoped.


Hope you've all enjoyed a good week.


Karen x