It's been a bit of a mixed week in this house. Started off good, ended on a high but a bit mixed in the middle. It's been stay and play this week at Rosie's PreSchool so I have enjoyed staying everyday except Tuesday.

The girls have all been a bit tired and irritable and far from angels though. Daisy has even bit me several times. I've tried to be patient and not shout, I've even come up with a few new techniques for managing their behaviour but the result is one exhausted Mummy! Thank goodness for Bank Holiday weekends and Husband being home.


Day 117 – “Party Time”

Day 118 – “Park Life”
Day 119 – “blood Test”
Day 120 – “Great Nana B”
Day 121 – “Sunny Afternoons”
Day 122 – Fun & Giggles”

Day 123 – “Beautiful Bluebells”



Day 117 – “Party Time”

It was a really good day today. We needed to pop into town this morning so all went and even enjoyed a Costa treat whilst there. This afternoon I took Rosie to her friends birthday party whilst Daddy stayed home with the other two. The party was great fun with a bouncy castle, huge slide and Peppa and Dora characters. Rosie loved it!

Day 118 – “Park Life”

The big girls were both at school all day so Daisy and I had friends come over for coffee/ play date which was lovely. It was pretty warm today so we fitted in a trip to the park after school.

Day 119 – “Blood Test”

Daisy had to go back to the hospital (possible egg allergy), this time it was for a blood test. She took it all in her stride and the numbing cream obviously worked because she didn't even flinch. She was so good she walked out with a teddy, a sticker and box of 21 Easter eggs! I think they liked her 🙂 My Auntie and Nana were up staying with Mum so they all came along and we went for a coffee and catch up in the hour between the cream being applied and blood taken. It was lovely to see them and think it made me more relaxed which helped Daisy.

Day 120 – “Great Nana B”

This morning Daisy and I enjoyed another play date/ coffee and catch up. Then this afternoon my Nana and Mum came over. It was so lovely and all the girls enjoyed themselves. She's off back home soon so we will have to arrange to get down to see her.

Day 121 – “Sunny Afternoons”

This morning flew by with school runs and Tumble Tots! Unfortunately Daisy was really grumpy and biting everything (including me). I think she's teething but even so it wasn't nice. This afternoon was gorgeous and all the girls cheered up playing in the garden.

Day 122 – “Fun & Giggles”

The day flew by with the usual routine. Poppy was excited today as she was on a school trip to the outside classroom. This was Daisy playing in the garden with Daddy this afternoon. It's not the best photo but you can see how happy she was.

Day 123 – “Beautiful Bluebells”

A gorgeous day at Woodchester Park, a National Trust area we love. We did the play trail route which was great fun now Rosie is bigger and more confident. Even Daisy walked miles and had fun trying to do what her sisters were doing. Three exhausted little girls tonight.


Hope it's been a good week in your house and enjoy your weekend!


Karen x