My girls love soft toys and have millions of the things. Both of them like to fill their bed/cot with as many as they can:

Poppy went through a stage of taking this Winnie the Pooh with her everywhere and fondly called him Yellow Ted,  although these days is not attached to him at all:

Whilst Rosie will not go to bed without her beloved baby Annabel:

However there is one toy that both girls have had since birth and love.  He is very cute and very  soft and fluffy

My Nana and Grandad brought this gorgeous soft rabbit for Poppy when I was pregnant with her. She took him to bed every night until Rosie came along and then kindly handed him over to Rosie when she was born. Now Rosie has taken him to bed every night since she was born. I wonder if she will pass him onto the next one!

For more pretty little things, then head on over to Mummy, Daddy and Me Makes Three or Dear Beautiful Boy:

Karen x