With parenting you often feel as though you are getting wrong, however there is one thing that Husband and I feel we are doing right and that is our outdoor lifestyle.

Over the past four years, we have opened our daughters eyes to the great British countryside. We have taught our girls to appreciate nature and they have developed a natural curiosity about the world around them. They now take pleasure in the simple things like pretty flowers and they actually prefer being outside rather than in. All of this is thanks to Fiona, our inspiration behind getting outdoors more all those years ago.


These days it seems these girls really don’t need much to be happy. A bit of fresh air, some room to run and play and perhaps a stick or two are more than enough. Mostly they just need each other and their imaginations. They adore being outside and unless it is really cold and wet, we never hear the words “can we go home yet? or “i’ve had enough”. Even then it will only be Rosie who complains. Poppy and Daisy would happily dance in the rain!


They are all amazing and I love watching their little faces when they discover something new. Perhaps a bug, some pretty flowers, or a hidden swing in a tree. The simple things in life.


A few weeks ago we popped to Osterley Park for a little bit of fresh air and a play. Regular readers will know we love it there and probably visit on a monthly basis. It Is just so pretty, no matter what time of the year you go.


The sky was blue, the sun was shining and the flowers were looking gorgeous. There were  beautiful poppies, roses and daisies everywhere, much to the amusement of the girls. I have to confess though, these photos are all my Husbands and not mine. I just had fun playing with the girls while he tested out his new camera and happily captured us all. He doesn’t mind me pinching them though.









Sometimes posts really don’t need many words and this is one of them. Photos of pretty flowers and children playing are more than enough:

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The girls weren’t bothered about the play trail this particular week. Instead, they delighted in climbing up the ice hill and running back down a million times. They were thrilled to see how much the flowers and plants had grown since their last visit and they just had fun exploring.

Yes this definitely makes me feel we are doing something right!

Do you like getting outside?


Karen x