I can’t actually believe that it is less than two weeks until Poppy sits the Eleven Plus (or Grammar test as its also known) and I am starting to feel very nervous for her. You see she really wants this and has worked so hard for it. It has been a bumpy journey for her but its almost over now. I just really hope it all works out for her.
Poppy has always been bright. Not a child genius or anything but she has always enjoyed school and has never really struggled. I’ll never forget the day she came rushing out of her class in Reception, her pig tails swinging and socks slipped down, with a brown envelope in her hand. I ripped it open, only to discover she was on the gifted and talented list for English and Maths. I was so proud of her then and each year she just makes her prouder and prouder:
Despite moving schools several times, she has always just got on with it. trying her hardest, doing well. She is one of those children who is well liked by both teachers and her peers. The child who is always chosen to represent the school. School work has always seemed to come naturally to her and if it doesn’t, she picks it up quickly once it’s been explained to her. It only usually takes once or twice.
When Poppy started at her current school towards the end of Year 4, she saw that quite a few of the girls were going on to Grammar Schools. She showed an interest so we talked about it. Here in Gloucestershire we are spoilt for choice with a number of them to choose from. Poppy told me she wanted to go to Grammar school too;
In Year 5 we went to look at a few and were blown away. At the first one we went to (her first choice), I was amazed to see the changes in her during just the one evening. She opened up, excitedly participating in Maths quizzes, doing Science experiments with Bunsen burners and even had her hands inside a bulls heart. She was excited, her eyes lit up when she pictured herself there. She decided then that she definitely wanted to go. As a Mum, when you see your child that excited about school, you do everything you can to help her get there.
So after the October half term she started weekly tutor sessions. I know tutoring isn’t for everyone but being a Mum to three (one of which was a very demanding 5 year old) with a Husband who works all hours, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to help her alone. Thankfully Poppy enjoyed her weekly sessions and got a lot out of them too.
What with school, homework, tutor sessions and the homework Poppy received from her tutor, we didn’t do a huge amount more at home. She read lots, practised getting faster at her times tables and went on IXL.We also brought her some verbal reasoning flashcards. If anything cropped up she didn’t get (usually Maths), one of us would help her until she did get it.
Sadly just before the Easter holidays her tutor suddenly got very sick (the dreaded cancer). She went downhill very quickly and died after just a few short weeks. This knocked Poppy for six and she was very upset. At one point she wonderred if she would be able to do it without her. Finding a new tutor that late in the year wasn’t easy (I think she had about 6 weeks off in total) but we found her another one who came strongly recommended and took her on as an extra one. I actually think having a break was good for Poppy though. She did do some work by herself but I think she needed that time to process everything and to be ready to continue. Thankfully she took to her new tutor straight away and has continued enjoying her weekly sessions:
Up until the summer holidays, Poppy was quietly confident but suddenly out of the blue she started to worry. Over the summer holidays she actually lost all of her confidence and got herself quite upset. We googled it and apparently it can be quite common. Reassured by this, we set about restoring her confidence.
Confidence is a funny thing and there are so many ways to improve it. We did of course tell her tutor who gave her some good advice, set a few tests which she passed with flying colours and we reassured her that no matter what happened we would still be incredibly proud of her. I think the best thing we did though, was to take her away for a few weeks.
We went on a family holiday to the South of France where everyday Poppy tested herself, tried new things and relaxed. She experienced independence as she went to the shop daily with her sister ordering baguettes and pain au chocolates in French. She swam out to an inflatable in the middle of a very deep lake every day and enjoyed jumping and sliding off it. She enjoyed a climbing adventure (a bit like Go Ape but higher than any she had been on before and without an adult up there. I even watched her working as a team to help her sister across. She went canoeing and played on waterslides. She let go, she relaxed, she was silly. She played with us (yes actually played with her parents), her sisters, her cousins and new friends she made. It was just what she needed and did the trick. Look how happy and relaxed she looks here:
She did do quite a bit of work whilst out there too. Usually after lunch she would do something. Her Daddy is exceptional at Maths which happens to be her weaker area, so having him around everyday for two weeks was amazing. He helped her out on a few things she needed help with, encouraged her and she completed a few timed practice tests with us both as well. She realised she was amazing at English (a huge boost to the confidence) and pretty good at Maths too (better than she thought). Overall she was performing really well and we couldn’t be happier with her.
With less than two weeks to go Poppy feels ready. She still has two tutor sessions to go and is doing a little bit everyday after school as well. She’s a bit nervous as you would expect but she’s in a much better place than a few weeks ago.
Fingers crossed it’s enough though. This means everything to her.
Have your children sat the test? Would love to hear from you.
Karen x
Sarah Humphreys
September 6, 2018 at 1:37 pm (7 years ago)Fingers and toes crossed for you Poppy, that holiday looks like it did the world of good, how relaxed and grown do does she look in those pictures Karen?!
Would Like to Be
September 7, 2018 at 12:11 pm (7 years ago)Thanks Sarah. She looks like a different child doesn’t she? It definitely did her the world of good xx
Joy - Pinkoddy
September 9, 2018 at 8:04 pm (6 years ago)It is getting so close now! Best of luck to her, sounds like she has been through a lot with her poor tutor 🙁 x
Would Like to Be
September 10, 2018 at 7:21 pm (6 years ago)I know, its scary! Thank you very much. She’s been through a lot and just wants it over now x