I very excited to receive this fantastic goody bag from Savlon and Lypsyl. Now if any of the girls fall over and hurt themselves (or each other) this Summer, thanks to them I now feel ready for anything:

Talking about Savlon, they are the sponsors of Play day.  Have you heard about this yet? No? well if not, don’t worry I have the details here for you.  

Wednesday 3rd August 2011 is  National Play Day. This follows research recently undertook by Savlon which shows that the children of today just do not get outdoors and play as much as they used to.  For example their research showed that: 

  • 42 per cent of children have never made a daisy chain
  • 32 per cent have never climbed a tree
  • a quarter of children have never rolled down a hill
  • a third of children have never played hopscotch 
  • one in ten children have never ridden a bike    
Shocking isn’t it? Well I for one make sure my girls get outside daily.  We don’t have much of a garden but do have a patio area with a small trampoline and garden toys on it including hopskotch.  We also have play parks nearby and lots of rolling countryside and beaches. We go out as a family every weekend as we all love being outdoors and best of all its free. 

Getting out and about doesn’t cost anything so why aren’t we all doing it? My eldest loves going to the beach, running, splashing, throwing pebbles into the sea and crabbing. She also loves splashing in puddles and picking up sticks and leaves to make pictures with at home. The youngest loves the feel of the wind in her face…it makes her giggle and she loves looking around at everything.

Anyway back to Play day.  You can find all the information you will need here on both play dates in your area or hosting your own.  It doesn’t matter how big or small the event is, its just all about getting our children playing outside. I am definitely going to be doing something here in Dartmouth.  If anyone wants to join me my email is:

 wouldliketobeayummymumy at gmail dot com. 

Happy playing and thank you Savlon.

Karen x