My Little girls is three today.  Its amazing how time flies.

She shares her Birthday with her Daddy which is pretty special.  As he had to work today we decided to have a family celebration yesterday which was lovely. They opened all their cards and pressies together and then we went out for the day.  We took Poppy’s new bike and went to the beach as its long and flat…perfect for bike riding (a whole other blog post).  We had lunch out too.

Today we had  a picnic in the park with all her friends.  it was perfect.  The weather was gorgeous and everyone ran around and played on the climbing frame, swings and slide…even in the sand. We had a huge picnic and even had  a Pepper Pig Birthday cake.  Poppy thoroughly enjoyed herself. For the record her friends are not aliens but i’m only just learning how to distort images:

On the way home Poppy and I stopped to enjoy an ice cream by the river.  Rosie missed out as she was fast asleep.

I cannot believe how fast the past three years have gone.  I wanted to share a few photos with you to show how much she has changed from a beautiful baby to a gorgeous cheeky pre-schooler:

Looking forward to lots more Birthdays.

Karen x