I cannot believe Poppy is eight already. Where is the time going?
One minute they are tiny babies in your arms with screwed up faces and long legs that tuck underneath them, Before you know it they are proper little girls, mini ladies with their own opinions and views of the world.
These days Poppy really is a lovely little girl and we are so proud of her. She adores school and is doing very well. She has lots of friends and is a very kind and helpful girl. Teachers and children like her. At home she is mostly kind and helpful and very patient with her sisters.
She loves being outdoors and doesn’t need much to entertain her. She is happiest with her imagination and sisters. They all enjoy dressing up and putting on shows, singing and dancing. She spends her life on the trampoline or running races up and down the garden. Recently she has started writing her own songs and music too which is pretty cool. She is learning the recorder at home, enjoys tinkering on Daddy’s piano at home and has her own keyboard.
She isn’t sure what she wants to be when she’s older yet but has mentioned a Doctor or a Teacher. She’s just quite happy being young for now.
We celebrated her birthday with a joint birthday party for her and a friend yesterday. We had it in our garden and it was really lovely. Once everyone left my Sister, brother-in-law and their boys stayed behind until bedtime. We were so relaxed hanging out in the garden with plenty of food, drink and ice lollies. Lots of fun.
Today we all headed out for a family day and picnic. I’m sure they will be another post all about that this week but for now here they are enjoying the sunshine.
We had a huge picnic with pink fizz for us all (non alcoholic of course) and a little birthday cake. They raced around the grounds exploring, rolled down the hills and generally had a lovely time.
A huge happy birthday to my biggest princess. I just hope the next year doesn’t go quite as fast.
Karen x
There's always time for tea
July 27, 2016 at 6:46 am (9 years ago)Happy Birthday Poppy! I hope she had a lovely day xx
Would Like to Be
July 27, 2016 at 8:36 pm (9 years ago)Thank you, she had a lovely time x