This past week hasn’t been the easiest in my life as a parent.

The girls have all had a bug, okay nothing unusual there. It was one of those cold flu ones: high temperature, cough and sore throat but no major symptoms except their mood. Oh my goodness I have known nothing like it ever before!


My children have been behaving like aliens. I cannot explain how awful they have been. Everything has been the end of the world, everything has made them cry, shout or scream. They have been horrible to each other and they have been horrible to me. In fact I have almost been reduced to tears several times.

I know it’s the bug because my Sisters boys have had it too and have apparently been behaving in a similar horrible way. Again not typical behaviour for them either.

Its awful when your children are poorly. Usually plenty of cuddles and kisses, duvets on the sofa along with a bit of medicine usually does the trick but sadly not this time.

Thankfully they seem to be coming out the other side now. Fingers crossed they are so we can get on with the rest of the Summer and look forward to our holiday in a few weeks time too (more about that soon ).

Karen x