Whoops, for one reason or another I've missed the past 3 weeks of my living arrows & project 365 photos. I thought it was only one or two but no I've been quite slack. I have taken the photos though!

It's been a busy few weeks what with poorly, clingy girls, Easter holidays and my blog being hacked.

During this time we have noticed a huge difference in the dynamics between the girls. It's a whole other post but basically Rosie (usually cheeky monkey) has turned into an angel. Poppy unsure about this new and improved Rosie has for several reasons been a bit stroppy and grumpy whilst Daisy has just been unwell and clingy wanting all my attention 24 hours a day!

Here's my photos:


Week 15 – 13th April 2015

Week 14 – 06th April 2015

Week 13 – 30th March 2015

Week 12 – 23rd March 2015


I promise to try harder and keep up with you all from now on.


Karen x