At 4 (almost 5) Rosie is growing quickly. Since starting school in Sept she is thriving and her confidence is growing too. She was so ready for this big step.
Last week we had parents evening and I was so proud of her. They too think she is lovely, sweet and cheeky as well as very clever too (!!!! Of course).
Rosie is loving learning to read and write and not content with school books is trying to read much harder ones at home too. She just wants to be able to do what Poppy can.

She is full of fun and cheekiness, still loves being outdoors and has her own sense of style. She tells me what she is wearing, still accesorizes with tutus underneath and tells me how she wants her hair.
Karen x
March 20, 2015 at 12:20 am (10 years ago)What an amazing picture!! I love her style those colours really suit her!