I am very excited and feeling very lucky to be getting free fairy editing from www.photofairydesigns.com. Basically, with some clever photo editing and a bit of fairy magic, they turn pictures of your little angels into something really special. Anyone who knows me and my blog will know that I love everything girly and like my […]
Review of Atkins Wheat and Rye Crackers
Having been doing a low carb diet for about three months I was starting to fancy something a bit more substantial for the occasional lunch or snack. I discovered these at http://www.avidlite.co.uk at £1.99 for 10 and thought they looked quite good. When they arrived I thought “oh no what have I ordered?” they looked like they might taste like […]
Review of the Bodi-Tek Ab-tek Belt
Recently I have been chatting on Twitter about my lazy girls answer to a flat tummy… the Bodi-Tek Ab-tek toning Belt. Several of my online friends have been asking what it is so I thought I would do a review on it.So what is it?It is an electronic Muscle simulator. Basically it stimulates the muscles in your […]