With Poppy going to Pre-School for her 15 hours a week and asking to go more often, I am keen to make sure we still do lots of fun things at home. At School she has been learning all about Autumn so I decided to carry on the theme and get her talking about what […]
Do You Wash Yours?
I must admit I usually give my fruit and vegetables a token splash under the tap before I eat them, but I don’t worry too much. What about you, do you wash yours? Since being asked to trial Fit Fruit and Vegetable Spray I have discovered the shocking truth that a quick splash of water […]
Induction, Two experiences In Two Different Countries
I am not one of those mums who really talks about my birth stories but with a Sister who is ready to drop any time shortly and all our conversations revolving around my new little Nephew, it has got me thinking about it more recently. I have two little girls who were both overdue and […]