After a difficult week last week I realised how much Poppy values our special Mummy/Poppy time when Rosie is napping. Due to toddler groups and Preschool commitments we originally set aside Thursday afternoons for this special time. Over Christmas we were away so this kind of stopped and I didn’t get straight back into it […]
25/366 – Rosie Loves Dressing Up
Both girls love dressing up and we have a gorgeous range of costumes including Tinkerbell, a bumble bee and a range of very pretty tutus and fairy wings. Rosie however, favours her Sisters clothes! Whenever Poppy takes something off, Rosie is right behind her trying to put it on. Here she is trying on her […]
My Bump Diary -14 Weeks
I cannot believe I am 14 weeks and in my second trimester already. I have found this amazing little video to show you how my baby is growing. Everything is apparently in place now, he or she is the size of a peach and can pull all sorts of faces: I am supposed to be feeling at […]