At 17 weeks pregnant with baby number three I know how important it is to look after myself and my little one by keeping hydrated and taking my vitamins. However, it is not always easy when you are either vomiting or feeling nauseas. For the past three weeks I have had overwhelming feelings of queasiness and […]
42/366 – Play Dough Fun
Both girls love playing with play dough. Rosie can makes sausages and generally just rolls it around her fingers and has a taste whilst Poppy is getting much better. I love her little face in this photo. She hasn’t even made anything yet but looks so excited. Karen x
What Is A Good Parent?
Someone close to me has had a bit of a hard time recently and has questioned how good a parent they really are. They are of course, fabulous parents but it did get me thinking that at some point we all have a little wobble and wonder are we doing it right? So what is […]