Its been a busy and hectic week this week. Monday – Easter holidays so no School. Mum and Dad were still here so we had a quiet morning and then headed over to the park in the afternoon. Poppy had a hair cut too and was very well behaved: Tuesday – Mum and Dad went […]
99/366 – Easter Egg Hunt
The girls went on a treasure hunt today and found some lovely little eggs and an Easter Bunny. They thought they were the luckiest girls in the Whole Wide World. This was pretty much the only time Little miss Rosie smiled all day though – she has been teething and grumpy with it! Karen x
98/366 – Wicked Mummy
My little girls aren’t allowed things like lollipops yet…they are only 3 and 1 so there is plenty of time for that plus they are loopy enough without all that added sugar. I couldn’t resist taking a photo when I saw these though: Its not very often we see things with their names on. It […]