Wow 27 weeks and approaching the 3rd trimester. I am a bit confused about when this officially starts to be honest as different books/sites say different things. I think it might be next week though. This week my little girl is about the size of a cauliflower, that’s around 36cm n length and weighing approximately 1.5-2.2Ib. Her eyes open and close now, she sleeps and […]
114/366 – My Lovely Husband
This is my gorgeous Husband. We have been together 20 years this year and are still not bored of each other! Love you Husband! Karen x
ghd’s – Introducing The Gorgeous New Peacock Collection
Last week was a pretty bad week for me as I was feeling really poorly. However, it greatly improved when I was sent a brand new pair of ghds from the Peacock collection to review….lucky me! I am a huge fan of straightening my hair and ghds are the best. I did have an old black pair […]