Country Kids – Fun In The Snow

We love being outdoors whatever the weather so have loved all the recent snow. What better feeling than wrapping up all warm in hats, scarves and gloves and then getting out in the cold fresh air? Running around with your children, chasing them through the snow and teaching them to make snowmen and snow balls: […]

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Weaning With The Help Of Vital Baby

Daisy is very nearly 6 months old and had her first taste of food 3 weeks ago. We have since taken our cues from her and have chosen to do baby led weening after she tried to eat my sandwich and her Sister’s Cheerios. To help her with her journey we have been sent a […]

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The Gallery – Adventure

With this snowy weather, life is one big adventure at the moment. I've posted lots of pictures of our snowy activities but today I took the younger two out for a brand new adventure. It was playing on a sledge. I have been meaning to buy a sledge but with my terrible baby brain, every […]

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