Poppy has had a balance bike since she was about 2 but seems to have struggled moving on to big girls bike…she just doesn't get pedalling. Anyway last weekend we gave in and brought her stabilisers. We only intend to have them on for a short time but they've really helped so far. We have […]
Dear Daisy – 6 Months Already
Dear Daisy, Every few months I like to write a letter to you girls that you can look back on when you are older. It's a way of me letting you know how much I love you and recording all those little memories and milestones before I forget. I can't believe you are 6 months […]
Magic Moves Electronic Wand – A Fun Review

We love toys that get you moving in this house so were thrilled to be asked to review the Magic Moves Electronic Wand by Learning Resorces and Blog-Match. Stomp like a dinosaur, swoop like an eagle, hop like a kangaroo! Get children moving with this engaging activity wand featuring 90 fun, physical commands, […]