We really should paint a big X on the door to this house! The lurgy has continued this week with Daisy and I being pretty poorly…that's a whole month now. At least we've all had it now though, so hopefully we can get back to being healthy again. Despite feeling rubbish I've done my best […]
Country Kids – Playing In The Street
We live in a lovely little Cul-de-Sac where there are lots of little ones who love nothing more than playing outside. Too young to play alone, us Mums, Dads and even the Grandparents take them out to play with scooters and bikes or just to run wild races. They have lots of fun and enjoy […]
Not Fit To Be A Mum
Yesterday I was dying! I had the very high temperature part of this virus, complete with all other flu symptoms….I literally could not get out of bed! I tried but felt sick and dizzy and slumped straight back down. I lay there thinking “Mums can't get sick”. With three under 5 this one definitely couldn't […]