Dear Poppy…..,

It's been so long since I last wrote you a letter, seven months to be exact! Life has been crazy since your baby Sister arrived. It's all settled down now though and I wanted to let you know what a lovely big girl and big Sister you are turning into. First of all you have […]

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A Sunny Day Photo Shoot

Another sunny day meant lots more fun outside and the perfect opportunity for Husband to get his camera out. I’m the one that takes photos daily but they are just snaps really…he’ s the one that knows what he’s dong. He took some really lovely pictures of the girls in the garden so I decided […]

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Daisy At Seven Months

Dear gorgeous girl, I really can't believe how quickly you are growing. The past seven months have flown by. You have just slotted into this family and our little family is now complete. You are such a happy little girl whose smiles and giggles light up the room. Now you have some magic medicine you […]

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