Daisy Turns One

I can not believe my baby girl is one already. Can it really have been a year ago since she arrived in her own special way, looking something like this?   Not yet walking she wants to be up on her feet all the time now, cruising around furniture or holding onto our hands and […]

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No More Breast Milk

That's right I am no longer breastfeeding Daisy! Did I have to stop? No not really. It was all going very well.     Do I feel guilty? Honestly….No I don't! You see I have reached the 11 month mark. I have treated all three of my girls exactly the same. It's exactly how I […]

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Daisy At 11 Months

Dear Daisy, You are such a gorgeous, happy little girl, it's such a pleasure and so easy being your Mummy. You have just slotted right in to this family and made us complete. I can barely remember life without you now. So happy and content, you smile and giggle all day long unless we say […]

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