Country Kids – The Slide One

The start of the new School term has seen a change in our routine again and we have been spending as much time outdoors as possible. With Rosie at Preschool now, I am walking to school and back 3x most days & the girls are enjoying the scoot or cycle there and back too. After […]

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Remarkable Recycled Stationary

Rulers and biodegradable pens made from corn on the cob, a pencil case made from a car tyre, a notebook made of recycled leather and coloured pencils made from recycled CD cases…..Have you ever heard of such things? Well we get through a lot of stationary in this house so jumped at the chance to […]

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Project 365 Catch Up

I have seriously got behind with my 365 photography project. I have been taking the photos but have not been posting or joining in with the linky. I've just been a bit crazy busy with poorly girls, then moving house, a trip to Butlins (review coming soon) and then unpacking/ settling in to new house […]

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